Suhwan Song
Ph.D. (2021), Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology
Dissertation: Empirical density functional approximation for HF-DFT LINK pdf
Seungsoo Nam
Ph.D. (2021), LG Chemical
Dissertation: Comprehensive studies on measuring and reducing errors in density functional theory calculations LINK pdf
Min-Cheol Kim
Ph.D. (2015), Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, Sookmyung Women's University Homepage
Dissertation: Curing Abnormality in Density Functional Theory: Density-Corrected Density Functional Theory LINK pdf
Minwoo Han
Ph.D. (2013), Daegu-Gyeongbuk Medical Innovation Foundation
Dissertation: Coarse-grained simulation of sheet polymer transformation driven by asymmetries from surface grafted coil configurations LINK pdf
Heeyoung Kim
Ph.D. (2010), Lotte Chemical
Dissertation: Studies on quantum transfer of molecular systems LINK pdf
Mingyu Sim
M.S. (2024)
Thesis: Extending Density-Corrected Density Functional Theory to Large Molecular Systems LINK pdf
Hayoung Yu
M.S. (2023), Samsung Display
Thesis: Assessing the Impact of Spin Contamination on Accuracy of Open-Shell HF-DFT LINK pdf
Sechan Lee
M.S. (2023)
Thesis: Identifying Mechanism of a Cycloaddition Reaction with Scorpionate Catalyst at Ambient Conditions LINK pdf
Hansol Park
M.S. (2021), SK Hynix Inc.
Thesis: Theoretical study of thermodynamic behavior of hydrogen evolution reaction within confined water LINK pdf
Eunbyol Cho
M.S. (2020)
Thesis: Effect of electron density on torsional energy profile in density functional theory LINK pdf
Yeil Kim
M.S. (2019), Samsung Electronics
Thesis: Studies on the Density Sensitivity of Non-Covalent Interactions in Density Functional Theory LINK pdf
Sanghee Yoon
M.S. (2018), KyungDong Pharmaceutical Company
Thesis: Defect-patterned Nanosheet Design and Self-transformation Analysis LINK pdf
Bongim Seo
M.S. (2015), Aekyung
Thesis: Anion Permeability through Ion Channels (이온채널에서 음이온 투과성 연구) LINK pdf
Jihye Lee
M.S. (2012), LG Household & Health Care Ltd.
Thesis: Electron mobility in semiconductor nanocrystal array (반도체 나노 결정 배열에서의 전자 이동성 연구) LINK pdf
Minhyung Hong
M.S. (2012), SK Hynix Inc.
Thesis: Study on self-assembly of AB2 miktoarm star copolymer and T-shaped building blocks (AB2 miktoarm 스타 공중합체와 T-모양의 구조체 자가조립 현상의 특성 연구) LINK pdf
Donghun Kang
M.S. (2008), Samsung Electro-mechanics
Thesis: Size-dependent quantum dynamical influence of metal nanoparticles on surface plasmon resonance (플라즈몬 공명현상에서 금속 입자 크기에 따른 양자역학적 현상) LINK pdf
Kyunghwa Yoo
M.S. (2007), Phil Science
Thesis: C-H Bond Activation Mechanism by Rhodium Catalyst (로듐 촉매에 의한 탄소-수소 결합 활성화 메커니즘 연구) LINK pdf
Myongwon Lee
M.S. (2007), Woongjin Chemical
Thesis: Coherent excitation energy transfer of meso-meso linked porphyrin arrays (포피린 배열에서의 들뜬 에너지 이동에 대한 부합성 길이 연구) LINK pdf
Heeyoung Kim
M.S. (2006), Lotte Chemical
Thesis: Relative contribution of the charge-transfer mechanisms within DNA sequences (DNA 염기 서열에서 전하 수송 메커니즘 규명 연구) LINK pdf
Insuk Park
M.S. (2005)
Thesis: Effect of partial densities on the fragility of binary Lennard-Jones glass-forming mixtures LINK pdf